Full Name
Bindi Shah
Job Title
Principal Consultant, ESG
BG&E Resources
Speaker Bio
Bindi Shah is a Principal Consultant in our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) team. She is a talented and well-credentialed ESG professional, energy analyst, environmental scientist and urban planner, with more than 15 years’ experience working in the Resources, Energy, Transport, Industrial and Land Development sectors. She is a passionate and natural collaborator, with an unwavering can-do attitude, and possesses the versatility to work effectively with public and private sector clients, providing technical advisory and project management leadership. Her core competencies encompass energy market trading and capacity mechanism, analysis and knowledge into current and future trends including the energy transition. Bindi has considerable insights into electricity the Western Australia gas and electricity markets sectors, ESG compliance and reporting, environmental management and auditing, Commonwealth and State statutory approvals, permits and licenses, statistical modelling, urban planning and development approvals, business improvement and change management, governance and stakeholder consultation as well as skills in technical advisory and project management. Based in Perth, Bindi joins us from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) where she was a Senior Analyst. Prior to this, she held senior analyst and environmental advisory roles with Collgar Renewables (formerly, Collgar Wind Farm), Roy Hill, Calibre QuadR (formerly Calibre Rail) and Aurecon.